There shall be Midweek Communion Service on Wednesday, the 3rd of february, 2021. We shall be waiting on the Lord in a fast and come together to break the fast with the Communion in an evening service at the Church and Fellowship Centers. Time: 5:00PM -...
Sunday the 30th of January, 2021 is our Convenant Day Of Open Doors Service. It shall also double as our Special End of Month Thanksgiving/Children Dedication Service. SERVICE TIMES: First Service: ...
Our Winners Satellite Fellowship meeting holds on Saturday, the 30th of January 2021 at our various WSF meeting homes. Be a part of this weekly spiritual Fellowship and invite your converts to be a part of this spiritual...
There shall be Midweek Communion Service on Wednesday, the 27th of january, 2021. We shall be waiting on the Lord in a fast and come together to break the fast with the Communion in an evening service at the Church and Fellowship Centers. Time: 5:00PM...
Sunday the 24th of January, 2021 shall be our Covenant Day Of All Round Rest. It shall also double as our shall be a Special Impartation Service. SERVICE TIMES: First Service: ...
Our Winners Satellite Fellowship meeting holds on Saturday, the 23rd of January 2021 at our various WSF meeting homes. Be a part of this weekly spiritual Fellowship and invite your converts to be a part of this spiritual...
There shall be Midweek Communion Service on Wednesday, the 20th of january, 2021. We shall be waiting on the Lord in a fast and come together to break the fast with the Communion in an evening service at the Church and Fellowship Centers. Time: 5:00PM...
Sunday the 17th of January, 2021 shall be our Special Covenant Day Of Exemption/Anointing And Operation Andrew Service . SERVICE TIMES: First Service: ...
Our Winners Satellite Fellowship meeting holds on Saturday, the 16th of January 2021 at our various WSF meeting homes. Be a part of this weekly spiritual Fellowship and invite your converts to be a part of this spiritual...