Living Faith Church, Warri

Worship with us every Sunday @ 6:30am, 8:30am, 10:30am

On Wednesdays @ 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Sunday the 13th of January, 2019 shall be our Special Encounter Service.

  • First Service:                 6:30AM
  • Second Service:            8:30AM
  • Third Service:                10:30AM​


Divine Encounter

Divine encounter is an encounter with God or His Divine power. A Divine encounter comes with deep revelations of hidden secrets and breaking of curses. 

Life is not meant to be ordinary and to be a circle of the same things over and over again. No! Understand that life is not just ordinary but also has a supernatural side. It is that element that is needed in your life to make all the difference and determine the course of life. You need to encounter heaven and experience the reality of Jesus.

Two things are certain to happen to your life after a Divine encounter:

  •  Every wrong thing will be broken. The power of God will take charge of the circumstances of your life. 
  • A Divine encounter will leave you with a fresh and deeper revelation of who God is and what he can do. 


Saul's Encounter:

interesting story of a man called Saul of Tarsus, in the book of Acts 9:1-5
He was a persecutor of the early Church and was against the ways of the Lord. He was an enemy of those that believed in Jesus Christ, he believed in God and thought he was doing God a favour by persecuting anyone that believed in this so-called King of the Jews.
One day something happened to this man. It was an accident, a Divine accident, when he felt the impact of this divine encounter, he fell from his horseback. The Bible says:

As he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round him a light from heaven. And he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul Saul why persecutest thou me?
“And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest . . 

He was never the same after this encounter. The same man that was annihilating Christians became a disciple of Christ.
He didn’t have to be told who it was that had appeared to him, instantly he got a deep revelation and said, ‘who are you, Lord”.  Saul knew that it was God. When you have a Divine encounter, you will not need to be told that you have been touched by God, but you will know.


Other examples of Divine encounter:

  • Moses' encounter with the burning bush - 3:1-21
  • Jacob's encounter wrestling an Angel - Genesis 32:22-31

Your life can not remain the same after an encounter with God. When Divine encounter occurs, things that were not moving begin to move, negative things that were associated with you begin to fall off. Poverty will fall off, bad luck will fall off, and curses will be broken.

Being born again is okay, being filled with the Holy Ghost is also okay, but if you want to walk in a world of miracles, a world of the impossible you need a Divine encounter. 
Have you been told you are cursed and bewitched and will never amount to anything? Have you been told that you will die broke and poor, jobless, or even childless with no joy in your life? You could even be hanging degrees on your wall but have no job, no progress. Take heart, you are about to experience a divine encounter. 
It is more powerful than any force that has been pulling you down. 


In this Special Encounter service, you will be encountering God through his word. Have things been stagnant in your life for quite some time? Business stuck? Finances, relationships and family, all in a mess? This service are for you. No longer will you be tossed around and haunted by situations intending to turn your life, businesses and finances into a mess. 
Divine encounter is all you need to have every negative circumstance in your life turned around. It could be an affliction of sickness/disease, trouble at at work or in your business, challenges with your children, crisis in the home or brokenness of the heart — the encounter with the Spirit of God will change it all! Lift up your faith, lift up your heart and put your trust in God! If you had thought there is no way out of your circumstance, cheer up, there is an answer and a way out — Divine Encounter!

We are all admonished to reach out to the unsaved and encourage them to come along with you and your family for this life-changing service.


Jesus is Lord!!